Dramaturgy work
crushin' real hard
Concept & Performance by Thommy Kraft
Performed at Zaal3 Den Haag September 21st, 2024

Land of Plenty
Studio Julian Hetzel- June 2023- De Balie
'Land of Plenty' was an artistic intervention at De Balie's Forum on European Culture. Madison worked with Studio Julian Hetzel to use some of the framework that they developed for THERE WILL BE LIGHT to create a space for the harder discussions about European Culture to take place.

there will be light
A project about the precarious economy of hope by Studio Julian Hetzel performed at: WEST Den Haag, SPRING Performing Arts Festival, Grand Theatre Groningen. Madison was the assistant dramaturg on this project.
With the support of: Fonds Podiumkunsten, City of Utrecht, Fonds 21, VriendenLoterij Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds